All the Flowers Handspun Yarn


Handspun, hand dyed Merino, silk and sparkles, blended and carded. Hand spun and  plied with a fine woo/silk  yarn.

Next to skin softness. Lots of shades of purples, fuchsia, pearl, pink, gold and little pops of other colors throughout. Sparkles as well throughout.

2.36 oz

67 g

96 yards

1 in stock


Handspun, hand dyed Merino, silk and sparkles, blended and carded. Hand spun and  plied with a fine woo/silk  yarn.

Next to skin softness. Lots of shades of purples, fuchsia, pearl, pink, gold and little pops of other colors throughout. Sparkles as well throughout.

2.36 oz

67 g

96 yards

Additional information


